Walk to Emmaus
The Gospel of Luke (Luke 24: 13-35) records the story of two disciples of Jesus, who were walking along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. As they were sharing their hearts' concerns about the death of Jesus, an unknown person met up with them and explained the scriptures to them as they walked. Later on, as the stranger took bread, blessed, broke and shared it with them, their eyes were "opened" and they recognized that their companion was, in fact, the risen Christ! They rushed back to Jerusalem to share the good news with others.
The Walk to Emmaus program uses this scripture as its focus as the weekend of spiritual edification and enrichment enfolds. During the Walk to Emmaus weekend, members learn, sing, pray and share communion every day. And, of course, enjoy their heartwarming Walk with the risen Christ.
Read the complete Scripture: Luke 24: 13-35
What Happens on Emmaus Weekends
The Walk to Emmaus is a unique ministry in the Body of Christ, which runs from Thursday evening until Sunday afternoon. We offer Walks in April and October of each year, with separate weekends for Men and Women. During the weekend, a series of 15 talks are given by lay persons, Elders, and Pastors:
  1. Priority -- what they are and how to create authentic ones
  2. Prevenient Grace -- the basics of God's enabling grace that seeks us out and redeems us
  3. Priesthood of all Believers-- we are all called to the "Priesthood" in Jesus' household
  4. Justifying Grace -- by God's grace our sins are covered, and we are given new life in Christ
  5. Life of Piety -- one of three essential spiritual disciplines for a holy walk with Christ
  6. Life in Study -- second of the three spiritual disciplines; getting with it by getting in the Word
  7. Means of Grace -- how God reaches and teaches us through prayer, scripture, and other Christians
  8. Christian Action -- third essential spiritual discipline -- a life of service
  9. Obstacles to Grace -- common obstacles that every Christian needs to know about
  10. Discipleship -- our new life is one of discipleship; being an active student following the Master
  11. Changing Our World -- the Body of Christ is designed to lead the world, not follow it
  12. Sanctifying Grace -- living the redeemed life
  13. Body of Christ -- we are called to discover and use our God-given gifts for ministry and service
  14. Perseverance -- we are not alone, we persevere and gain strength from the Holy Spirit & the Body
  15. The fourth Day -- after we leave the mountain, what will we purpose to do?
Talks are given in a casual, informal setting and include group discussion and activities. Each day, Communion is celebrated along with time for singing, prayer and the seeking of Gods will be for your life.
All participants will experience God's grace through the prayers and acts of service of the members of the Walk to Emmaus community who will seek to serve you in Christ-like love. Having experienced this new level of Christian love and service, you will be better prepared to serve others in the days that follow.
Who should attend the Walk to Emmaus Weekend?
The Walk to Emmaus is open to all Christian members of a denominational or non-denominational church. Emmaus is not, in essence, a program for the evangelization of the unsaved or a recovery program,  but is designed to build up the local church body, typically those in leadership or who may be in the future. Parents, Bible study teachers, Worship leaders, and Worshipers alike will benefit from the Walk to Emmaus.
Participants are typically invited by friends, family or by other members of their church. The Walk to Emmaus is not an exclusive club, sect or cult. It is simply a para-church ministry designed to help the Body of Christ grow through service.
The High Desert Emmaus Community serves a wide area encompassing the Tehachapi, Antelope, Santa Clarita and San Fernando Valleys in Southern California.
Note to Pastors and Elders
The Walk to Emmaus is a 72-hour short course in the need, source and development of spiritual disciplines for the active Christian. Theologically, the program is based upon doctrine in the Protestant tradition. Over the Emmaus weekend, participants -- we call them Pilgrims -- hear a series of talks, given by clergy and laity. After each talk, there is time for discussion and sharing in small groups. Much of the lasting growth that we see in folks who have participated in the Walk to Emmaus is a result of these moments during the Walk. Through a more clear understanding of the love of Christ for His people and His grace toward them, participants are encouraged to exercise spiritual disciplines of growth through study, living a holy life (piety) and Christian action. As Pastor, we urge you to help your membership, when they return from the Walk, to get plugged into the various ministry opportunities that exist at your church.
We strongly urge Pastors & Elders to attend the Walk to Emmaus. As you share common experiences and begin to understand the renewing vitality of the Walk to Emmaus experience, you will be better able to share this blessing with others. Members who have gone on the Walk are then eligible to participate in subsequent Walks as the support team and leadership.
Finally, the Walk to Emmaus is not a program for recovery, counseling or therapy of any sort. Pastoral endorsement and approval for this program are required. As Christ's shepherd of your local body, we seek your assistance and support for your "Pilgrims", before, during and after the Walk.
Have any questions? Send us an email emmaus@hdemmauswest.org